Children are a gift from the Lord’s
Lo, children are a heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. (Psalm 127: 3)
Gospel show Sarah (Abraham's wife) gets pregnant and gave birth to Issac, and as Elizabeth (Zechariah's wife) gets pregnant and gave birth to John the Baptist by Heavenly miracles.
Until these days, the Lord's hand still touching the women who are not able to get pregnant and they gave birth (sons and daughters) they are the gifts of the Lord. He is our living God, who is capable of everything. The Creator Lord has no dams standing in front of him, blessed is His name forever.
These are some pictures of (Children are a gift from the Lord’s) in response to the prayers that were raised for the King of Kings and Lord of lords.
أطفال عطية الرب...
هُوَذَا الْبَنُونَ مِيرَاثٌ مِنْ عِنْدِ الرَّبِّ، ثَمَرَةُ الْبَطْنِ أُجْرَةٌ.(سفر المزامير 127: 3)
كما حملت سارة (زوجة إبراهيم) وولدت إسحاق ، وكما حملت اليصابات (زوجة زكريا) وولدت يوحنا المعمدان بالمعجزات السماوية
حتى هذه الأيام ، ما زالت يد الرب تلامس النساء اللاتي لا يستطعن الحمل ، وينجبن (أبناء وبنات) هم عطايا الرب. إنه إلهنا الحي القادر على كل شيء. الرب الخالق لا يقف أمامه سدود ، مبارك اسمه إلى الأبد
هذه بعض صور (الأطفال هبة من الرب) رداً على الصلوات التي رفعت لملك الملوك ورب الأرباب